Sunday, April 21, 2013


It is felt

Fading lights
Fading form
Dissolving slowly
Into nothing, nowhere
it is awesomely beautiful
Like a newborn baby!

Soon day will end
To begin again with
Awesome beauty of twilight!

OSI Prompt : Twilight


anthonynorth said...

Excellent use of twilight.

Locomente said...

So beautiful the thought is...
And the use of the prompt...
Image further complements it!

Jim said...

Nice, Harshad ~~ This is a natural process by Mother Nature, Father Time, and God in Heaven.

Makes one wonder, like nature's twilight, will there be a coming daylight again?

Rae Trigg said...

I like your take on the prompt and the photo fits perfectly.

Lady In Read said...

wow - the photo and the words - both are beautiful.. thank you

Ramesh Sood said...

A real delight Harshadji..lovely poem..
