Sunday, June 2, 2013


In love life after life
Myth to others
Story of past life
Fact seen in sky
As a bright twin star
Called Arundhati & Vasistha
In love life after life

Myth it may be
Arise feeling real
Testimonial precious 

In certain Hindu tradition a couple after wedding is shown a twin star in sky by the priest. Couple is asked to see it once daily. The star is called Arundhati & Vasistha.
It is actually two stars revolving around each other, seen from earth as one.

Husband and wife should be like Vasishta and Arundhati – an ideal couple in Hindu mythology. No one is supposed to go around the other. Both go around each other and move together.


OSI Prompt: Myth


anthonynorth said...

Great words on reincarnation.

Maggie Grace said...

What a lovely celebration. Maybe myth...or not.

vivinfrance said...

There are myths in every culture, but your idea of the re-birth of love in stars is very seductive.

Maggie Grace said...

I left you a link to answer your question on my blog. Thanks for asking.

Suzy said...

I didn't know that story - thanks for sharing. Poem nicely penned.
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