Joie de vivre
(Joy of Living)
Blessed I was with its glimpses
When in love,
When playing with friends,
In achievements and success,
In food & festivals,
In luxury and comforts,
In mountains, rivers & woods.
I savored & chased those moments
And found
Its infinite source in
Space Within.
I just need to remain connected.
(OSI Prompt : Joie de vivre)
Infinite source within..Wish we all find it...Lovely poem
Beautiful Harshadji..staying connected is what truly gives joy of living..and that comes a lot from "Giving' which you have always been doing..loved your poem..Thanks for your constant presence and inspiration..
Picture collage is a wonderful idea. It gives clear message that source of all energy and joy is within.
I think that is the same message some ancient temples, with sculptures and carving including erotic scenes, intend to give. isn't it?
As ususl, simple words and clear message. Excellent work.
this is joy of sharing.. indeed beautiful
Wow...what a beautiful collage of photos you've chosen, even as it is so apt with the verses you penned!
This is a beautiful take Harshad!
Joie de vivre it is!
awesome poem sirji.....
keep blessing us with ur writing..
मेरे ब्लॉग पर इस मौसम में भी पतझड़ ..
जरूर आएँ...
I love the idea of staying connected. The images in this poem are beautiful too, it expresses so much in so little space and it is a reminder to stay connected. Well done.
Those are the things that bring us true joy! Nicely said!
Space Within...yes, that's where I need to be. But my space is always crowded with my brain's thoughts! Your poem was beautiful, and inspires me to continue the search...thank you for sharing your words.
You got it so right!
As another teacher I relate to this!
about fish, chips, nothing much else
And do get aboard the Poetry Train every Monday mornings and thereafter!
Oh, beautiful! Stay connected. Your poems are beautiful.
space within ...that is the clue...:)
ah beautiful :-)
Beautifully written work! =)
Glad to see you at Poetry Train!
my monkey reads you well
Lovely sources of joy!
i forget sometimes that less is more...
i love the collage and the message of the poem.....
here's mine:
Some very nice moments you have with these 'glimpses.' I am glad you listed friends first. :)
...and those connections are so very important as is the idea that everything we need is within ourselves. Nice job!
Well done my friend. Beautiful words to live by. So much sorrow fills our lives. Yes the lives of those who cannot connect.
lovely my brother!
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