Sunday, May 19, 2013


Words often fail to flow
Feelings not carried
Silence hardly fails
OSI Promt : Flow


Vandana Sharma said...

How, true. Sometimes there is non need of words and yes silence speaks for it...

Locomente said...

So very true!!!

anthonynorth said...

Sometimes words take time to come. We've all been there.

Amrit Sinha said...

Yes, I agree ... silence says it all !!!

Ramesh Sood said...

Very beatuiful.."Silence never fails.."..lovely message Harshadji..


Ruth Rivera said...

My mind goes a blank from time to time too.... But one or two words can say a lot.

Haiku Tuna said...

Yes, I have to remind myself Silence never fails...

Maggie Grace said...

Leaves me speechless... Haiku with big impact.

vivinfrance said...

Very true. Few words. Maximal impression.